silkscreen on 35 copper elements (each element silkscreened individually,
each element approx. 30 x
30 x 0.3 cm, overall dim.
approx.  200 x 150 cm)
Edition 1/3 (+1 A.C.)

Photo: Marco Blessano;
© Vittorio Santoro

Silkscreen on copper plates by Black Church Print Studio, Dublin

Installation view: Fondation d’Entreprise Ricard, Paris,
March 2012

“…the second of three works not so much referencing than propelled by the ambiguous figure of Yuri Gagarin, the first cosmonaut… an image taken a year after his infamous orbital flight on the backdrop of an Egyptian sphinx… a fixed image of a motif of political propa-ganda, but also a puzzle, literally allowing for decomposition and re-evaluation… a metaphorical game with factual minimalist allusions… ”

Vittorio Santoro,
Paris, March 2012