Cut out letters and graphite on
7 lined sheets of paper,
each sheet 29.2 x 21 cm
artist frame (wood, mirror)
size ca. 176 x 54 x 8 cm
signed and dated on reverse of each sheet and on reverse of artist frame
photo Rémy Lidereau
© Vittorio Santoro
All along seven days, the artist has cut out from daily papers the letters composing the sentence “You are still here”. Each sheet of this collage corresponds to a day of the week and a different international newspaper (Le Monde, The Guardian, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Liberation, The New York Times, etc…). The letters that form the sentence are cut out from articles of some interest to the artist of the given newspapers. Even if this piece can be perceived as a score for the sound installation bearing the same title, this piece is neither a version nor a visualization of it. The impossibility of a linear reading of the piece disorients the visitor’s gaze. The mirror-sided frame (left) conceived by the artist dismantles the temporal line of the work, that otherwise would lead the sequence from the beginning to the end.
(Manuel Cirauqui)